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The UW Medicine Neurosciences Institute (NSI) is a multidisciplinary team organized to diagnose and treat disorders of the nervous system. Our comprehensive team of specialists provides compassionate care for neurologic disorders, conducts world class research to discover novel treatments, and educates future generations of neuroscientists and clinicians.
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Shahin Hakimian, MD, an epileptologist at UW Medicine, discusses Refractory Status Epilepticus in adults, including the biochemical and systemic effects of status and its risks.
Regional Epilepsy Center Program Overview
Michael Fox shares his story of being diagnosed with epilepsy, the impact to him and his family, and his path to treatment at the UW Medicine Neurosciences Institute Regional Epilepsy Center.
Evaluating and Treating Epilepsy
John Miller, MD, discusses how to be able to classify seizures and epilepsy syndromes.
Genomic approaches to epilepsy
Heather Mefford, MD, PhD, talks about using two broad genomic approaches to look for genetic causes of epilepsy.
Does Epilepsy Surgery Have a Future?
John Miller, MD, discusses the controversial topic of surgery for epilepsy treatment.
Epileptic Encephalopathies of Infancy and Childhood
Christopher Beatty, MD, gives and overview of what is pileptic encephalopathies.
Norman So, MD, discusses the framework of terms to use to describe auras and seizures.
Epilepsy-related sleep disorder: chicken, egg, or EEG?
Jonathan Lopez, MD, talks about the controversial term, epilepsy related sleep disorder.
Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation for Epilepsy
Mark Holmes, MD, discusses how the medical field is constantly on the lookout for safe, non-invasive treatment options for patients with epilepsy.
Update: Psychiatric Comorbidity of Epilepsy
Eric Prince, MD, clinical neurophysiology fellow, discusses the prevalence of depression among epilepsy patients. Dr. Prince also examines anxiety, psychosis and management of personality issues.
Management of Idiopathic Generalized Epilepsies
Jeffrey Tsai, MD, PhD, provides an update on the management of idiopathic generalized epilepsies (IGE) including developing a treatment plan and recognizing cognitive and behavioral comorbidities of IGE.
Modeling Human Antiepileptic Drug Adherence and Treatment Outcomes in Preclinical Epilepsy Models
H. Steve White, PhD, professor and chair of the Department of Pharmacy, discusses modeling human antiepileptic drug adherence. Melissa Barker-Haliski, PhD, research assistant professor, examines treatment outcomes in preclinical epilepsy models.